Monday, January 18, 2010

Kelly's stomach

The first response (brownie points to myself) to the Cooking Club Self-Test

* What is your favorite food to cook/eat?
oh such a vague favourite eat and feel good food is asian (chinese) that reminds me of mum''s food. My favourite things to cook would be...things to get my hands into: rolling spring rolls, mixing meat, forming sushi, pasta, wontons etc...

* Is there an ingredient you can’t imagine cooking without?
soy or oyster sauce, pinch of sugar

* What ingredient are you most intimidated by?
tender meats

* What cuisine would you most like to try making?
not a cuisine, but french-inspired fancy amuses

* Do you have a signature dish or specialty?
hainan ginger chicken rice, roast pork w crackling

* Is there a dish you’ve always wanted to try to make?
Salt-baked chicken

* Do you like to improvise, or do you tend to follow a recipe from start to finish?
improvise/follow roughly

* If you had to choose, would you rather make dessert or a savory dish?
savoury no doubt

* On a scale of 1-10, how adventurous are your eating habits?

* Do you like to try lots of new foods and ingredients?
yes, but realistically don't get around to it...

* Is there a food you absolutely hate?
innards, chicken combs, tongue that looks like tongue.

* Are there any foods you can’t eat?


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