Saturday, February 6, 2010

Brown Beer Beef Stew aka ''Stovers''

OK, I finally got to posting the stovers recipe. I promise to be quicker next time. I do have a good excuse: I've been in Barcelona this past week on a business trip. Of course, it wasn't all work and no play. I took the opportunity to try some yummie tappas food while there. The local cured ham and calamari still being among my favorite finger foods, and I burned off the calories afterwards at the company clubbing shindigs (3!) (incriminating pictures on facebook for those who are interested ;-)

Here's how I make the stovers:

2 chopped onions
1kg stew beef, diced
~50g butter
laurel, thyme, pepper, salt
1 slice of bread
1 bottle of brown belgian beer (I prefer Grimbergen or Leffe)
a dash of vinegar
a scoop of (straw)berry jam

how to fix it:
- Saute the onions in the butter.
- Sear the beef cubes on all sides in the onions mixture.
- Add the herbs, pepper & salt
- Add the bottle of beer to just submerge the meat. If needed, add some more beer.
- Add a dash of vinegar
- Cover the slice of bread on both sides with mustard and put on top of the meat. It will soak up the liquid and disintegrate during the cooking process.
- Cover and simmer for about 4 hour, or till the meat is tender
- Just before the end, add the scoop of jam.

The stew is best served with brown beer of course !

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