A tribute in song to ETC:
(to the tune of I've had the Time of my Life)
Now I've had the meal of my life
And I've never tasted this before
Yes I swear, it's the cooks
And I owe it all to ETC
‘Cause I’ve had the meal of my life
Chocolate brownies and homemade chapatis
It all started one night
With a theme and hostess
In control
We saw the recipes fly by
As we felt this culinary fantasy
Now with antacids in hand
We can ...eat talk and cook without fear
So we come prepared for food
Cause we seem to understand the gluttony
Just remember
Food’s the one thing
We can’t get enough of
But I’ll tell you something
‘’t-must be with love, because
I’ve had the food of my life
No I’ve never tasted this before
Yes I swear it’s the best
Calamari, and white chocolate sauce
Hey baby
I once had a great idea,
Brought a friend to join us for-- cooks and eats.
I’ve had the food of my life
No I’ve never eaten this before
Goat curry, food in little cups
Cause I’ve had the food of my life
And we’ve searched through every open book
Till we’ve found the recipe
And we owe it to FiFFaF
Now I’ve had the food of my life
No I’ve never eaten this before
Chocolate and pasta
Even though we’ve changed our name
Cause I’ve had the food of my life
No I’ve never eaten this before
Yes I swear it’s the truth
And I owe it all to you
Cause I’ve had the food of my life
and I've searched through every open door
Till we’ve found the truth
And I owe it all to you
Cause I’ve had the food of my life